OLD News.............. We have been contacted by the airport regarding our badges. Normally they would renew on our birthdays but if 5% are considered compromised they need to either re-badge or reprint all the badges in a different design (maybe they will get the sail boat off the badges and put an airplane on them?). So we all need to fill out a form and submit it to the airport. There will not be any charge and we do not have to take any tests or computer instruction. The re-badging begins on Monday Nov 15 2009 and needs to be complete by Feb 1 2010. Bring
TWO FORMS OF IDENTIFICATION as allowed on the attached I-9 form, along with
completed, signed application. Call Airport Operations at (727) 453-7816 (Daytime) for an appointment if you need to renew your badge up to 30 days prior to your birthday. Hint... Park in the pay lot. The Operations folks will validate your parking ticket.
Past Board Meeting Minutes (requires Word for Windows software)
Minutes_Apr_11_2011_Annual_meeting.pdf Minutes_Apr_11_2011_meeting.pdf Minutes_Feb_19_2010_Annual_meeting LandingsAnnualMeeting_1-24-09_minutes_approved.doc LandingsapprovedMinutesBoardMeeting10-27-08.doc Landingsminutesbudgetmeeting11-20-08.doc
Insurance Documents:
Condo Documents:
Fellow Owners:
Fly Out Info:
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